Just one stay-at-home mom trying to bring classy back simply! I love my family and I love old fashioned values, I may get slack, but I'll always be classy!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Easter Page Layout
Layout Class May 17th

Wedding Album

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I can't take a lot of credit for this page as I saw it in a magazine and I had to reproduce it. I changed a few things, but I did use the same colors and the phrase.
This page is about my 1 year old being so goofy. I love the colors. I ordered some of the Ultra Premium photo 4x6 paper so I used a lot of 4x6 photos at the last crop I went to.
This is my favorite page that I did at the last crop. I love it! The page says Bathing Beauty. I love all the colors which are non-traditional for baby photos.
My goal at the last crop was get some of my 1 year old baby memories on pages to fill up her 1st year in her scrapbook. This layout was about the first time we tried feeding a solid food, being rice cereral, to her. She hated it, she never liked it she went straight to jar food after a couple weeks of trying cereals.