Monday, May 16, 2011

New Addition

Aaron and I talked about getting a pet cat for our family for a couple weeks now.  I new I didn't want to get a kitten, honestly, because kittens are so rough with kids and like to play a lot.  I knew we needed an adult cat that was already use to kids.  We also knew we didn't want to pay for one, wanted a female that was spayed, and wanted her front de-clawed.  I used to work for a vet and I know how horrible de-clawing is and I honestly can not be the one that makes the decision to de-claw, but I knew we needed an adult cat w/o those claws.  We put out a Wanted add on facebook and on our local freecycle website and we didn't get any response until this last weekend.  We finally found the perfect cat for us!  The family she came from had her since she was a kitten 9 years ago!!  They recently had another baby and then found out the baby was allergic, very sad day for her former family, but a very good day for our family.  Lily joined our family this last Saturday and has fit in flawlessly with no issues at all!!  Welcome Lily, we already love you!

Lily is so good with Aubrey!!  Aubrey picks her up and carries her around and Lily just hangs there!  Ha!  She really has had no adjustment period, she came into our home and must have thought to her self..."Okay, I have a new family, a new home, & a new name, let's do this!!"  Lily was not her former name Jaylin wanted to name the cat and she seems to do just fine with Lily, she already perks up every time she hears it, I think she approves!

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