Sunday, December 13, 2009

My first post as a SAHM!

I'm excited that this is my first post as a SAHM.  I am excited and a little scared.  I quit my full-time job on Friday, Dec 11th, 2009.  This weekend I have a ton of emotions happening.  I am excited, anxious, nervous, doubts, etc going through my head...yes, I said doubts.  Going from always working to not having a full-time 8-5 job makes me a little doubtful that I may like this new lifestyle, yet it is the lifestyle I have chosen and am very excited to start.

I am periodically organized and before I left my full-time job I wanted a schedule of what my life will be like as a SAHM.  I know from having weeks off for vacation that I need a schedule to be happy and be the best mom I can be.  I looked at many sites for schedules and found a few that I could work into my life.  I've listed my new schedule below.  This will be a rough est, but I think it will keep me organized enough.

6:30am wake up
6:30-7:30 Coffee, quiet time with God, check e-mails (if time permits on the e-mails)
7:30-8:15 Girls wake up/Breakfast time
8:15-9:00 Bathtime/Get Dressed
9:00-10:00 Cleaning Schedule duty
10:15-11:00 Excercise/Zumba
11:00-12:00 Shower/Beautify
12:00-1:00 Prepare & eat lunch
1:00-3:00 Quiet Time/Aubrey Nap/Cleaning Schedule duty
2:30 Husband arrives home (re-heat lunch for him)
3:00-4:00 Jaylin prepare for Dance
4:00-5:00 Jaylin Dance class
5:00-6:00 Prepare & eat Dinner
6:00-8:00 Free time with family
8:00        Bedtime for girls & probably husband
8:00-10:00        Read/Watch TV

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
6:30am wake up

6:30-7:30 Coffee, quiet time with God, check e-mails (if time permits on the e-mails)
7:30-8:15 Girls wake up/Breakfast time
8:15-9:00 Bathtime/Get Dressed
9:00-10:00 Cleaning Schedule duty
10:15-11:00 Excercise/Zumba
11:00-12:00 Shower/Beautify
12:00-1:00 Prepare & eat lunch/Take Jaylin to preschool
1:00-3:00 Quiet Time/Aubrey Nap/Cleaning Schedule duty/BeautiControl Work time
2:30 Husband arrives home (re-heat lunch for him)
3:00-4:00 Aubrey/Jaylin prepare for Dance/Cheer
4:00-4:30 Aubrey Dance class
5:00-5:30 Jaylin Cheer class
5:30-6:30 Prepare & eat dinner (Wednesday Awana's 6-7:30)
7:00-8:00 Free time with family
8:00 Bedtime for girls & probably husband
8:00-10:00 Read/Watch TV

Another item I researched was a cleaning schedule.  I hate when the house is a mess, but when I worked full-time and did my Spa's at night I didn't have enough time to clean the way I wanted to.  I've also created a cleaning schedule that will work for me.  I actually created it in Excel with check boxes next to them (because I hate to see an unchecked box!!)  e-mail me at if you want a copy of the excel document.

Everyday Tasks:

Make Beds
Wipe Kitchen Counters & Table
Change out Kitchen/Bath Towels
Wash Dishes
Pick up Clutter (put in homes)


Prepare crockpot meal
Take all clothes downstairs
Set Coffee Pot
30 Minutes quiet time with God


30 Minutes quiet time with God
Wash Coats
Strip beds & wash all sheets
Sweep all floors
mop all floors
Set coffee pot
Fold clothes
30 minutes of exercise
Put clothes away


30 minutes quiet time with God
Set Coffee Pot
Clean Bathroom thoroughly
Wipe down doorknobs, phones, chairs
Vacuum all floors
30 minutes of exercise
Girls Bath


30 Minutes quiet time with God
Set Coffee Pot
30 minutes of exercise
Sweep floors
Mop floors
Make Grocery list


30 Minutes quiet time with God
Set Coffee Pot
30 minutes of exercise
Balance check book
Grocery shopping
Sort Mail
Pay Bills
Plan weekend activities
Girls Bath


30 Minutes quiet time with God
Set Coffee Pot
30 minutes of exercise
Vacuum all floors
Sweep floors
Mop floors


30 Minutes quiet time with God
Set Coffee Pot
Have a great day with family

I'll post tomorrow & let you know how my new schedules worked!  Off to peel some potatoes!

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