Saturday, March 20, 2010


This is hard for me to write because in some ways I am embarrassed. I know I shouldn’t be embarrassed, but I am.

Remember the post I wrote about not being able to focus on more than one part of my life at a time? Well, I went to the doctor yesterday because I am frustrated with my lack of focus in my life each day. She brought up a quiz for ADD. I quickly thought, oh, I don’t have that, that isn’t what the problem is. I’ve never been hyper or unable to focus when talking to someone. I can have a conversation with someone & be fine, I am a good listener.
However, after coming home & doing the quiz it still says I am highly at risk for ADD.

I am in shock!!

I called my mom & asked her and she said “oh, no way that you have it!” I honestly asked my husband and everyone is having the same first reaction that I am not hyper. Though, we talked about it a little more & my husband does say that I have a lot of unfocused moments. I always think that I can function fine, but it does take a lot of “brain power” to get there, especially, if I don’t want to do something.

I guess, I don’t know how to explain it, but maybe it wasn’t a crazy diagnosis after all. She gave me some meds to try out for a month & then come back to see how it worked.

Today is my first day on the meds….hmmm, let’s see how this works. Though one of the side effects of the med is loss of appetite, haha, bring it on!!

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